Most customers looking for horse properties for sale in Las Vegas have a fairly good idea of what they want. At least one horse is already owned by most first-time equestrian property buyers, if not more than one, and they are currently paying to keep their four-legged friend in someone else’s facility until it is the day they could wake up, make a cup of coffee and go out and take care of their horse.

If you are one of these owners and have decided you want to move to a place where your horse can live with you, today could be the day! We have just the right horse properties for sale in Las Vegas for you and your four-legged friend.

Most horse properties for sale in Las Vegas are in the communities of Centennial and Lone Mountain in the North West, Mountains Edge in the South West, and Blue Diamond towards Pahrump. The others are in the more wealthy area of Pecos & Sunset.

What to look for when buying horse properties

  1. Size and space of the property
    Checking the available space we sell is the first step in buying a horse property. If you just want a small backyard with a few horses, you can go with three or four acres. But you will need to increase the size of your property if you are looking forward to having more horses.
  2. Quality of the barn
    Secondly, you need to evaluate the barn’s overall condition. This should be done attentively so you can check every corner of our barns. Some of the important considerations you should not overlook include the stall partition’s durability, the stall’s sizes, and the hayloft’s overall design.
  3. Storage space
    You should never forget to see the storage before buying our horse properties. You will then be able to decide whether or not there are extra buildings and sheds available. If there are, you will be given the chance to use them for the various storage needs that you will find.
  4. Pastures or feeding area
    You should never forget to check the pastures on the properties. You should know how many horses you plan to have because the pastures available should meet your requirements. If there is a chance, you can take a look at the quality of grass that can also be found in pastures.
  5. Neighborhood
    If you are planning to have a private horse property, you will need to be prepared for unwanted guests. You will be able to get a better picture and understanding of your neighborhood in Las Vegas by inspecting it. Doing so means you will live with peace of mind after purchasing one of our horse properties.
  6. Caretaker’s quarters
    A horse property will usually include the caretaker’s quarters so you have to check if the quarters have everything you need. It should also have facilities needed to engage in day-to-day operations at the horse property.
  7. Overall layout
    Last but not the least, the overall layout of the horse property that you are planning to buy must be observed. Usually, the barn should be placed behind the house. In such an environment, all the visitors would not gain immediate access to the horses for their safety.

Buying horse properties is one of the best investments you can make in life. It will finally give you the chance to have horses at your house. It will not be easy to invest your cash to get a horse farm but Las Vegas Real Estate is going to help you.

Las Vegas Real Estate has various horse properties for sale in Las Vegas regardless of your relation or lifestyle with horses and complements your training or riding. Contact us for a tour of the areas and communities today. We will help you find choices for horse property, luxury home estates, and other types of property in the area.

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